Your company has been tasked by the bank or realtors that hired you to perform foreclosure clean outs in Oklahoma City. You may have been hired to do a clean out before, but it was for someone’s elderly relative, and they were not leaving home. The most you’ve ever cleared from home is a few large trash bags, which you set out by the curb. Now you and your cleaning crew have taken on the much larger task of cleaning out foreclosed homes. Dumpstermaxx is here to help you with your foreclosed home clean outs. Here are some things to be mindful of when doing a foreclosure clean out.
Contact Dumpstermaxx with the location of your foreclosure clean outs, we can deliver a roll off dumpster right on the driveway. If you are going to be doing multiple locations, we can schedule your waste containers to arrive when your cleaning crew does. Each location may require a different number of dumpsters, so be sure to scout the homes before the day of the cleanouts.
When you are doing a foreclosure cleanout, it is different than a spring cleanout or backyard cleanup. You need to know if the home is going to be remodeled, have new construction, or is it just going to be demolished. Your foreclosure cleanout will be dictated by what is going to happen with the home. In cases of both renovation and the house being torn down things that can be salvaged for scrap resale may need to be removed. Bathroom fixtures, mirrors, moldings, and appliances are all valuable whether they are being sold to a junk dealer or sold at an auction. Keep in mind that anything not of value will be disposed of in the dumpsters such as beat up furniture and old clothes.
Once you have removed all the unwanted contents from the foreclosed home, you need to clean it thoroughly. The bank or realtors will want the house to be spotless when it is put back on the market, so you will need an adequate amount of cleaning products when performing your cleanout. Make sure to bag all the empty cleaning product containers before disposal; some of the chemicals can pose a threat to children and wildlife. If the home is slated to be demolished, it’s unlikely that any major cleaning will take place; you may be asked to clean some of the items being salvaged so bring cleaning products accordingly.
Most home foreclosures happen not because the bank has forced the homeowner out, but because they have decided to abandon the home and their mortgage payments. It usually takes some time before a bank realizes the house has been abandoned, and in that time the yard becomes an overgrown mess. The bank or realtors will want you also to perform a yard cleanup, including a backyard cleanup. Before the lawn can be mowed, you may have to wade into grass that has grown quite high to find hidden objects on the lawn like a glass bottle, or a sprinkler head. Wear thick work boots, heavy gloves, and thick long pants when you make your way through the lawn. Remove all waste and dispose of it in the dumpster, items that can’t be removed should be marked, so no collision with a lawn mower occurs. Once you have inspected the yard, it should be mowed. Wear safety goggles while mowing the lawn and trimming. Put all leaves and clippings in bags and put in the dumpster.
Dumpstermaxx can help your cleaning company be successful in foreclosure clean outs. Contact us today for rates, availability, and scheduling.